Selection Process

Successful candidates will be invited to attend a Selection Symposium. The next Selection Symposium will be held online in February 2025. The format of the symposium includes a panel presentation and panel interviews with the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will determine eligibility for admission to the IMPRS for Brain & Behavior program and will announce decisions by email shortly after the meeting. Candidates who successfully pass the Selection Symposium will then have the opportunity to visit labs and arrange individual meetings with mentoring Principal Investigators (PIs) who have PhD positions available in their labs. Positions can start at any time from March 2025, but no later than October 1, 2025.

Important: Admission to our graduate school is based upon
(1) the decision of the Selection Committee that an applicant is qualified for admission,
(2) a successful match with an IMPRS mentoring PI, and
(3) the fullfillment of the matriculation requirements of the University of Bonn.

The next round of applications will run from August 1 through November 1. The application AND both reference letters must to be submitted by November 1. No exceptions will be made.


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